Our Programs

4 Pillars to improve your health and wellbeing

Based on science, hosted by nature
Our programs are underpinned by 4 pillars for improving health and wellbeing. Each pillar has been developed based on known science of specific human health & wellbeing needs that can be enhanced by contact with nature. These 4 pillars are:

Mental Detox

Most of our evolutionary history was spent very differently, living intimately with the natural world. Research has shown that our busy modern lives and screen-based technologies are major contributors to stress and anxiety known as “techno stress”.  

Using nature based mental health practices is a proven way of slowing down our bodies and minds resulting in reduced stress and enhanced physical and mental restoration.

Believing in You

Each of us are individual beings with our own unique characteristics.

Being in natural settings helps our self-confidence as nature does not judge who we are, what we have or where we are from…..we are all equal in nature.

Nature based activities also provide opportunities for you to take actions and make decisions, manage risks and explore your capabilities in a non-threatening environment which are all good for building self-esteem and risk-based decision making.

Exploring new horizons

We all have goals, aspirations and dreams that we would like to explore but may not get the opportunity to.

For some of us these desires are around our interactions with the natural world such as navigation, bush survival skills, ecology, animal tracking, camp cooking and reading the landscape.

Act on that spark and allow yourself to be adventurous and explore new territory and make discoveries about the natural world and yourself.

Being part of something bigger

It’s easy to feel separate and in competition with people and life around us. As David Foster Wallace puts it, to believe that we are “lords of our own tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the centre of all creation.”

Understanding the broader ecology of the world we live in and being in natural environments are powerful ways to combat this sense of alone-ness and isolation. They uncompromisingly show you that you’re part of something much bigger, that you’re supported in ways you rarely notice and that your actions matter because they always affect someone or something around you.

We feel stronger and more resilient when our sense of support and belonging to this living world is cultivated.

Relax & Re-energise

Book in to a Melbourne based Forest Therapy Walk or find out more about opportunities at our Gippsland Property

What people are saying

This is how people feel after a forest therapy walk.

"I feel lighter and stress-free."


"I noticed the beauty around me and feel relaxed and re-energised."


"I feel more present and my senses are sharper."


“I feel more in the land, more in my body, tuned into nature, happy. I feel more like me.”


“I feel happier and more centred. I also have a greater sense of my place in nature, allowing me to shift perspective and be positive and relevant."


“An incredibly memorable experience”


Free Gift - nature sounds

We're recording the stunning soundscapes of our remote Gippsland property 'Bemm Bush Retreat.' Feel relaxed and inspired by the sounds of the natural world and bring some wildness into your day. Click below for the free track 'Bemm River Birdsong.'

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